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Oscar Salandin, developer of BOTSU Ridicuous Robots: “Solo dev can be lonely” 


I wanted to design consumer electronics and gadgets so I studied Industrial Design and Technology. Working in Mixed Reality, I met many ex game devs and artists, who I learned from and was greatly inspired by. These days, seeing people’s faces light up and how creative people get with the sandbox is the biggest motivation boost for me.

Dev 138
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Importing ToneJS crashes when the game is built

Cocos at console.error (/Applications/CocosCreator/Creator/3.7.2/ cache/dev/editor/bundled/index.js:128881:34) 20at%20runtime.%0Athrow%20new%20Error(%60Error%3A%20Unexpected%20export%20statement%20in%20CJS%20module.%0A%20%20at%20%40%3A1%3A8%60)%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20:3:7)

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