Collision Callbacks not triggering
MAY 30, 2023
Can you share your collision callback function? It seems you are assigning readableonly variable?
MAY 30, 2023
Can you share your collision callback function? It seems you are assigning readableonly variable?
JUNE 26, 2023
I’ve tried changing the type (static/kinematic/animated) of the other objects, but collision detection still doesn’t work. The only time collision is detected is when I set the “Character” object’s Rigidbody2D type to “dynamic”. However, this causes the “Character” object to be affected by gravity, which I don’t want. normalize().multiplyScalar(this.speed);
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JULY 6, 2023
I’ve tried changing the type (static/kinematic/animated) of the other objects, but collision detection still doesn’t work. The only time collision is detected is when I set the “Character” object’s Rigidbody2D type to. However, the “Character” object doesn’t collide with other objects that have a Rigidbody2D and a Collider2D attached.
JULY 3, 2023
I’ve tried changing the type (static/kinematic/animated) of the other objects, but collision detection still doesn’t work. The only time collision is detected is when I set the “Character” object’s Rigidbody2D type to. However, the “Character” object doesn’t collide with other objects that have a Rigidbody2D and a Collider2D attached.
JUNE 28, 2023
I’ve tried changing the type (static/kinematic/animated) of the other objects, but collision detection still doesn’t work. The only time collision is detected is when I set the “Character” object’s Rigidbody2D type to. However, the “Character” object doesn’t collide with other objects that have a Rigidbody2D and a Collider2D attached.
JUNE 28, 2023
I’ve tried changing the type (static/kinematic/animated) of the other objects, but collision detection still doesn’t work. The only time collision is detected is when I set the “Character” object’s Rigidbody2D type to. However, the “Character” object doesn’t collide with other objects that have a Rigidbody2D and a Collider2D attached.
JUNE 25, 2023
we will solve this problem in the following issue Prefabs with polygonCollider returning wrong collision normal opened 02:02AM - 26 Jun 23 UTC lealzhan [link] … lision-normal/58972 Hello guys, I am working on multiplayer platformer game using colyseus. y: z.getWorldManifold().normal.y,
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